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"Velizhskaya st., 1 153013 Ivanovo"
Puchezh Cheese Factory is the leading processing enterprise in the Ivanovo Region.
Smoked soft cheese and butter are signature products of our factory.
Our enterprise specializes in production of:
- Smoked soft cheese
- Hard curd cheese, such as “Dutch” and “Russian”
- Butter brands “Krestianskoe”, “Liubitelskoe”, “Traditsionnoe”, “Detskoe” and “S semenami konopli”.
Recently we extended our range of products with high-end cheeses: “Parmesan”, “Gruyere”, and “Puchezh Premium”.
When entering the factory, milk pass laboratory analysis, filtration, bactofugation, careful heating up to 72 degrees and cooling. This allows milk to save all health benefits it has.
The enterprise utilizes a state-of-art CIP, which allows us to maintain equipment sparkly clean.