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An American second hand clothes supplier in Poland. A&E Clothing has operated a business of sorting and wholesale distribution of used clothing since 1996. In 2021 we opened our new facility in Poland. A&E Clothing Poland imports used clothes from the USA, sorts them, and exports them to customers worldwide....
Our company Nord Sud Export is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the town of Sharjah. The company was founded in 2003. We were located in Europe since 1985 but then shifted to the UAE. We export second-hand clothing around the world to over 25 countries and always...
KRESKAT Trading LTD is the wholesaling and grading warehouse for stock and second-hand clothes. Thanks to more than 20 years of professional experience in the wholesale market in stock clothes and second-hand, we have gained trustful and long-term relationships with supplying plants. You will have an opportunity to personally examine...
We, as CT BULL HOLLAND with its registered Office situated in Amsterdam/The Netherlands, are a company that operates wholesale of the used textile products, bric-a-brac (ceramic, antiques, dishes, cup set) and new home textile products through the agency of our solution partners situated in Chile, United Kingdom, EU Countries, Ukraine,...
HUMANA collects and sells second-hand clothing from which bigger part of the profit goes to development projects funds. Collection is happening in major cities and we collect lot of quality clothes that becomes available for our external customers. In this business we are already more than 30 years and we...