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"Khersonskaya str. 22 191167 St. Petersburg"
It’s been over 100 years since each family has fresh, tasty bread made by KARAVAY on the table every day. Today products under KARAVAY trade mark can be purchased in every part of Russia and far abroad. KARAVAY GROUP continuously improves the production technologies, refines the machinery and applies the latest engineering development. We use the elaborations of Russian technicians together with the experience of foreign companies. KARAVAY is one of the admitted leaders on the market and largest enterprises in the bakery industry. The GROUP consists of 6 bakery mills with the time-honored traditions, wide and always increasing assortment, the most modern technologies implemented and quality standards which are approved by international experts. The KARAVAY trademark is today popular far beyond Saint-Petersburg. Firma Nevskaya Sushka JSC is a part of KARAVAY GROUP. It is one of the biggest manufacturers of bakery products with extended storage period in Russia and its history starts from the beginning of the 20th century.Our products are well known not only on the domestic market, but also abroad. Our main customers include distributors, wholesalers, and federal and regional retail chains. We have direct export contracts with Germany, Baltic countries, Israel, CIS countries, Canada, USA and others. Taking into account the interests of our customers, we developed a flexible discount system and its advantages are highly appreciated by our partners.