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"392022, Tambov, I. Franko Str., 20 A 392022 Tambov"
Our company MOLTA have been producing and sale fodder yeast and protein mixture for almost 10 years. We work in domestic and international market. More than 130 companies from 9 countries choose our product. We offer you fodder yeast based on the wheat bran, fodder yeast based on DDGS and dried brewer’s yeast. To get feed protein we use stillage from alcohol production, excessive brewer’s yeast and vegetable crude as a source of raw material. Due to its composition brewer’s fodder yeast is considered to be a high-priced feed ingredient which is used universally. Considering the fact that brewer’s fodder yeast contains a lot of protein, digestible amino acid and various minerals it is recommended to add to diet of all food-producing, domestic and exotic animals, especially, of young stock (piggery, calf, chicken and all species of small animals) and of animals after diseases. We offer valuable high-quality product, which lets promote your business efficiency. It is important for us to satisfy customer’s needs by shipping the products of high quality in time with all necessary documents and in the required volume. We are proud of the fact that we never disrupt supply of our product and let customers down.