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"Highway Znamenka- Lugansk - Izvarino 227 km + 580 m. 52001 Dnepropetrovsk Region, Podgorodnoe"
UApple company was founded in 2016. It is an apple producing company situated on 100 hectares of fertile soil in the central part of Ukraine; the area of the orchard being expanded by 100 hectares annually. Since 2016 UApple has become one of the most quickly developing apple producing companies in Ukraine. The apples grown in the UApple orchards are sold not only in local supermarket chains but are also exported to the EU countries, Asia and the Middle East. Six main apple varieties are grown by UApple: Gala, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Pinova and Fuji. They are usually picked only by hand to avoid their damage. Special bags are used for picking and special wooden containers are used for storing apples.Due to favorable climatic conditions and fertile soil it is possible to obtain the maximum apple yield of the highest quality notwithstanding the relatively small area of the orchard. We have all the grounds to be proud of our apples and claim that they are the best apples in the world as they are really tastier, sweeter and more soculant than apples of other producers.