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Von-Holzapfel-Strasse 10 86497 Horgau
Benefit from our experience and also our innovations that we have developed on the basis of over 30 years of the closest collaboration with customers. To make your investment as safe as possible, we particularly concentrate on reliability in the form of-cutting edge technology.
Systems for smooth, continuous operation.
What costs the most money is not the investment you make in a new AFS system but the cost of shutting down your production facility.
Stainless steel, aluminium and ceramics only.
AFS' design and construction concept does not involve plastic in systems. This results in extremely robust machines which have a long service life. All of the components are readily accessible and the system is optimally adapted to your application.
Should you require any assistance,
our global service team is ready to help with expert and straightforward advice.
AFS offers more than the legally required warranty and its warranty cover two entire years.