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Alfa-Med is a manufacturer of medical equipment for health assessment. The basement of the electronic diagnostics of the human is applied on the wave nature of biological objects: frequency-wave effect and imprinting. Own research and production facilities, as well as cooperation with the world's leading R&D and medical institutes enables...
The company “Symbionix” was founded in 2016 and is engaged in research activities in the direction of medical technologies in the field of equipment development, namely, the development of exoskeletons of a different functional orientation. The main direction of the detailed developments is the creation of high-tech exoskeletons for the...
Die Unternehmensgruppe von Spa "ANDROID TECHNICS" entwickelt und fertigt seit 2009 Roboter. Dabei reagiert das Unternehmen stets dynamisch auf richtungsweisende Änderungen in der Robotik, von Industrierobotern bis hin zu dem ersten Astronautenroboter FEDOR, der eine komplette Weltraummission mit absolviert hat. Einer unserer Hauptvorteile ist die Fähigkeit, komplette Produktzyklen anbieten zu...
Design and manufacture of orthopaedic soles and foot-raising spring splints. High-quality products are guaranteed thanks to the company's production, control and storage systems, carefully trained staff and very high quality suppliers. Consolidated small-scale experience in the sector has prepared us to meet all customers' requirements: personalisation of their own articles,...
The company B.U.W. SCHMIDT GMBH, is a Manufacturer/ Producer, founded in 1961, which operates in the Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment industry. It is based in Garbsen, Germany.