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AYNİRA GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ is a corporate company which is located in DENİZLİ, TURKEY. It has 12, 500m2 open area and 2, 400m2 closed area: 2100m2 warehouse and cleaning plant and 300m2 administrative section. Its history dates back to 2008 under the company name of Özen Tarım...
Abnaa Sayed Elobied Agro Export, established in April 2010, is an Agro Export company designed to make use of Sudan’s huge agricultural knowledge by exporting high quality agricultural proceeds to various countries across the world. The company is a member of the Sudanese chamber of commerce. We have the capability...
The company PRIMOZA GMBH, is a Wholesaler, founded in 2017, which operates in the Bedding plants, bulbs and seeds industry. It is based in Nürnberg, Germany.
The company CARL PABST SAMEN UND SAATEN GMBH, is a Wholesaler, founded in 1854, which operates in the Bedding plants, bulbs and seeds industry. It is based in Großbeeren, Germany.
The company DREHER AGRARROHSTOFFE GMBH, is a Service Provider, founded in 2012, which operates in the Bedding plants, bulbs and seeds industry. It is based in Wangen, Germany.
The company SCHWAB ROLLRASEN GMBH, is a Manufacturer/ Producer, founded in 1968, which operates in the Bedding plants, bulbs and seeds industry. It is based in Waidhofen, Germany.
Semillas Batlle began its commercial activity in 1802 and since then we have experienced a constant evolution in the field of specialised agriculture, in the production and commercialisation of seeds and offering new products for the growing Orchard and Garden Hobby market MAJOR BUSINESS AREAS LARGE-SCALE CULTIVATION The traditional &...
The company SAFRAN DE COTCHIA, is a Manufacturer/ Producer, founded in 2009, which operates in the Bedding plants, bulbs and seeds industry. It is based in Wasseiges, Belgium.