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Wuppertaler Strasse 134-148 42653 Solingen
The precision machine tool factory, Josef Schwahlen, was founded by Josef Schwahlen in 1922. Special hydraulic tools, primarily for boiler construction in shipyards, boilers and for the Deutsche Reichsbahn (Imperial German Railway) were built here until the plant was destroyed in the Second World War. After a fresh start in 1949, work resumed under the registered name of Josef Schwahlen, but was subject to severe restrictions imposed by the allies in shipbuilding in particular, which meant that production had to switch from hydraulic tools to mechanical and hydraulic lifting equipment. In 1956, the brand name HYWEMA® (Hydraulische Werkzeug -Maschinen – which stands for hydraulic machine tools) was protected Manfred Schwahlen. When Josef Schwahlen died in 1957, Manfred Schwahlen took over his father's company and continued to run it under the name HYWEMA® Josef Schwahlen in Wuppertal on a site covering approx. 28, 000 m2 with operating facilities spanning 18, 000 m2. After Manfred Schwahlen passed away in 1968, the company was registered in 1969 as HYWEMA® Josef Schwahlen GmbH&Co.. In 2004, the legal structure was changed to HYWEMA® Josef Schwahlen GmbH&Co.KG.