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"Baturina str, 37B 600017 Vladimir"
«Garnec» is a leader in the production of gluten-free flour and baking mixes.
We were the first in Russia to receive the right to label our products with the “Crossed Grain Trademark”.
This trademark is a safety mark for gluten-free products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries.
We also utilize green technologies: our products are manufactured on environmentally friendly equipment with the use of cold milling technology.
Cold milling is milling at temperature of less than 40°C, which allows the flour to retains most of the vitamins and minerals.
In addition, we have completely refused to use refinery in our production, as well as any flavor enhancers and preserving agents.
We produce a wide range of healthy food products – everybody will find something they like.
Garnec: Other food for the whole family.