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"Oberleppe 14 51789 Lindlar"
For over 80 years, Höver & Sohn has stood for unrivalled quality. Yet this does not mean that we're beating the same old drum even now – the fire of passion for stainless steel is still part of our philosophy. Traditional values meet modern CNC technology: This combination guarantees quality that "just makes you happy". We are experienced and motivated, traditional and modern, committed and ready to meet your requirements. Chr. Höver & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG enjoys a worldwide reputation of providing the highest quality and reliability. At Höver, quality is not just a written word, but a universal principle of incorporating company culture in real life. As an independent specialist department, quality assurance is directly bound to company management from an organisational point of view. To Höver, quality without compromises down to the finest detail is a must. Quality and safety are integral parts of our company's philosophy.