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"39 rue de Romainville 93100 MONTREUIL"
Since 2021 TEZGAH SAS has been importing and distributing organic bozic pistachio with an extremely rare and particular taste. ORGANIC Bozic is a species only grown in Gaziantep, in south-east Turkey and in produced in limited quantities. ORGANIC Bozic pistachio (shelled, not salted) are collected a month before harvesting, before they are ripe and so less dry. The grey pistachio flesh has a different greener colour contrary to the more usual colour of pistachio. Due to its rich and aromatic taste, the flesh is used in the production of all types of ice cream, pastries, desserts and confectionery. We provide the best quality and most delicious variety of pistachio! Plus, we can supply ORGANIC Bozic pistachio shelled (without the kernel), the most special product in the pistachio family, and also grilled and salted pistachio, which will be a hit at your drinks parties. Don't hesitate to contact us for more details.