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"Corellistraat 15 1077 Hb Amsterdam"
Established in 2001, HOL DING HOLDING B.V. has taken a meticulous, and flexible approach towards providing end-to-end shipping and trading services. We are headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with an extensive network stretching our branches across the globe from The Netherlands, Saudi Arab, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, China – Shanghai, Ningbo, Xuzhou, India, Singapore to Hong Kong.
We are an ISO 9001: 2015 certified organization, at our end, this would mean a bigger commitment, a zero-error business process interface, a much larger responsibility of delivering appropriate results thereby enhancing the performance standards of the entire team at our end. We are an importer, exporter, and distributor offering the world’s top 500+ brands within the FMCG segment. Among our strong network of relations, you will find international genuine distributors that enable us to provide the best products to our customers.
HOL DING HOLDING B.V. is also one of the fastest-growing FMCG companies in the Middle East, supplying over 40 countries around the globe. Besides trading in top 500 worldwide brands, we provide agencies to our customers to develop products into brands like Oak Beauty soap & Gate & 7. We aim to bridge gap between genuine producers and final consumers.
We are committed to be your reliable source for authentic productss to enhance the lives of human beings by picking the best products from this planet hence creating a better world.