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"9 Primaverii Street 900635 Constanta"
We, S.C.QUEEN LIZ S.R.L., a company duly organized and acting in accordance with laws of Romania and acting according to the statute of the above mentioned company, having registered office address: 9 Primaverii Street, , Constanta, Romania, VAT No. RO8981657, we kindly propose a prosperous collaboration with your good company, and following you can find our agency's policy: We have a number of well trained, experienced officers and ratings who are likewise familiar with the repairing of vessels and equipment while at sea. This can save owners a lot in dry dock costs. Our officers being well educated in Romanian Marine Academy fully respond to IMO/STCW-95 requirements. The officers have a very stringent three to five training period with An additional 12 months on-board training, also the ratings have a two Years training period before they get positions on board of vessel We have considerable experience working with various ship-owners and ship management companies.