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"Obermaierstrasse 8 90408 Nürnberg"
Gebrüder Burger GmbH & Co KG is aware of its social responsibility and meets the standards of international codes of conduct. Our corporate activity is based on applicable legal and ethical standards, with a particular emphasis on the well-being of our employees. In addition, we strive to protect the environment. The operation of our systems is inspected in line with legal provisions. We only use raw materials which are pre-registered or have already been registered. The same applies for our foils from sites outside the European Union. The foils themselves are classed as products in line with EU Regulation 1907/2006 dated 18th December 2006 and are not subject to mandatory registration. Our foils are primarily produced in Germany. For foils produced outside of Germany, we take care to ensure the same high standard of quality for raw materials and manufacturers.