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"12A Agiou Vasileiou str. 2323 Nicosia"
PERMANTO started its activity in the fruit sector with exports from Greece to companies in the European United, operating in processing and packaging taken from selected Greek fruit producers, taking in to consideration only the quality of products. NOW we export quality fruits taken directly from Greek producers which we can sell them to you in very good prices. PERMANTO expanded in exports of processed fruits as kiwi, citrus, cherries, peaches, grapes, strawberries, watermelons, melons etc. The selection of our producers who are supplying us with healthy and quality products is always in collaboration with our trusted partners and companies in Greece making our company the most reliable in the field. PERMANTO Limited also expanded in other areas, such as in the field of nuts and dried fruits like Chestnuts, Walnuts, Pistachios, Almonds, Dried figs, etc. PERMANTO standard products include excellent quality packaged agricultural products such as Greek Virgin Olive Oil and Greek Olives