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Helmholtzstr. 11 71573 Allmersbach
Our calibration laboratory is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 by DAkkS (Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH [German Accreditation Body]) for measuring the parameters of length, torque, temperature, relative humidity and scales under register number D-K-15048-01-00. As an accredited DAkkS calibration laboratory, we comply with the requirements of all national and international standards. We don't just want to satisfy our customers; we want to inspire them. Since the company was founded in 1991, we have expanded to offer a variety of services and are currently continuously developing in this sector. We have extensive experience in calibration technology. Customers in Germany and around the world benefit from our knowledge and flexibility. See Melutec Metrology for yourself and you will discover why our expertise, flexibility and innovation put us head and shoulders above the competition.