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"Rue Emile Duculot, 9b 5060 Tamines"
As part of a scientific approach, a new range of probiotics and symbiotics focusses on current world health issues. Probiotics are very useful micro-organisms which restore the oral, intestinal and vaginal flora. BellaVie provides the only line of probiotics and symbiotics based on a scientific approach and focussing on current world health issues. Based in Belgium, BellaVie is a new Belgian manufacturer of probiotics and symbiotics developed to stimulate the immune system, help manage stress, cholesterol and diabetes, to restore the vaginal flora and to fight infectious diseases in children. Our food supplements are composed of probiotics, probiotics and nutraceuticals. This combination offers a better approach to resolve the problems we are targeting. • Innovative and scientifically proven formulas • Large concentration of bacteria, pro+ probiotics + nutraceuticals.