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B 3, Patel Garden New Delhi 110059 New Delhi
Matrix-Geo Solutions is a leading privately held global Geospatial Off shoring Services Company, with its production centre in India. Matrix Geo Solutions specializes in providing following Geospatial services – GIS, Photogrammetry - AT, DTM, DSM, Orthophoto rectification, LIDAR, Remote Sensing, 3D City modeling, Data conversion, Mapping, Imagery and Customized GIS application Software production, to companies worldwide.The Team at Matrix Geo is headed by technocrats from the GIS industry who understand the challenges and current demands of the industry and provide workable, economically viable solutions. We have a team of 120 technical experts at the Indian production centre who work round the clock with state of the art latest software; technology and infrastructure, on projects form a list of global clientele.Contact Info: aks@matrix-geo.comTel: +91 8744 060 670