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"Thorackerstrasse 3 3074 Muri B. Bern"
The food trade is all about trust. Since the foundation of the family business in 1997, MDM Dreyer has enjoyed the trust of well-known clients from different sectors within food production and retail. Mirjam Oesterle, who has been managing MDM Dreyer in the second generation since 2003, focuses on the highest product quality and seeks out long-term partnerships with customers. Meeting high demands for quality with special products at the best prices is a demanding task day after day. The team is young and motivated to do their very best at MDM Dreyer. The aim is always to fulfil the customer's wishes. Consumers rely on the continually high quality of food items. Producers, processing industrial companies and trade are therefore subject to statutory provisions. But simply complying with these standards does not guarantee business success. Choice products require choice ingredients.