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"Strada Regionale Pontina, km 85. 04019 Terracina"
Agritalia is a leading company in the production and wholesale marketing of fruit and vegetables from the Agro Pontino (Pontine Marshes) area, a land that has long been brimming with knowledge and experience in the fruit and vegetable sector; we are located in the region that is home to the largest fruit and vegetable market in Europe: MOF Agritalia is a family-run business founded in the 1980s by a small group of local producers who wanted to introduce their product throughout Italy, and now Europe. Agritalia follows the best production standards, working within the conventional agronomist method, which uses chemicals whilst respecting the natural wholesomeness of the final product and the environment - so much so that 99% of its final products have zero chemical residues. Year-round production according to season of: Durama watermelons, radishes, turnips, lettuce and Lollo Verde salad. New European partners desired, above all from the large-scale retail sector.