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MiniTec Allee 1 66901 Schönenberg-Kübelberg
Precision and perfection: This is what MiniTec GmbH is all about. What began in 1986 with miniature linear guidance systems, developed into a full service provider now recognised globally with around 360 employees in nine plants and more than 60 partners and service support centres all over the world. The extensive product range includes high-quality aluminium profiles and powerful materials handling technology such as conveyors, precise linear guidance systems, profile systems, fire fighting technology and ergonomic workplace systems. Within the automation technology and specialised mechanical engineering sectors, MiniTec provides versatile solutions. From testing facilities to leak tests and eddy current testing, efficient materials handling solutions such as conveyors, roller conveyors, spiral conveyors or toothed belt conveyors as well as assembly technology solutions for one piece flow, materials handling and Kanban systems: MiniTec can provide multiple options to optimise and automate your assembly lines and existing production processes.