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"Danziger Straße 64 10435 Berlin"
The bdp Group, founded in 1992 and comprising 150 employees, is based in Berlin with over 14 further offices in Bulgaria, China, Germany, Poland, Spain and Switzerland. The subsidiary bdp Mechanical Components, which has existed since 1982, is a specialist supplier in the international sourcing of casting, forging, machining and automotive parts for European manufacturing companies from China and Eastern Europe. We supply over 50 European customers in the automotive, mechanical engineering, rail, energy, gas and liquid transport sectors. Everything from a single source: Model making, initial sampling, parallel production (start-up), series production, optimisation. Product quality. Strategic acquisition: Optimisation of acquisition processes, reduction of acquisition costs. Selection of suitable suppliers, supplier audits: Evaluation of technical production and quality capabilities. Quality control on site: Monitoring production, outgoing goods inspection before shipping