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"Industriestrasse 21 02692 Obergurig, Ot Singwitz"
Over the decades, Porex Corporation has proven that they deserve their position as a market leader in the development, manufacture and innovation of porous plastics. We are proud that over the years, we have been part of making some of the best ideas in the medicine, consumer goods and industrial markets become reality – we supply high-quality products that have made us a reliable partner for our customers. Our aim is to develop innovative porous material solutions. Our global production sites are equipped with state-of-the-art systems for developing and producing porous plastic products; from here, we supply components to improve the everyday lives of millions of people around the world. Over 1300 customers in more than 65 countries trust Porex Corporation when it comes to developing, producing and supplying their plastic products. Porex offers a worldwide service, using groundbreaking technology and broad expertise to develop porous plastic solutions.