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"Kasteler Strasse 45 / Gebäude G 359 65203 Wiesbaden"
Dymax is one of the world's leading manufacturers of innovative light-curing materials, fluid dispense systems and UV/LED light-curing equipment for industrial applications. The globally positioned company with European headquarters in Wiesbaden has 40 years of development and production expertise in the area of light-curing adhesives, films and seals. The UV adhesives, films, casting compounds, seals and masking agents in its extensive range are monoconstituent, and most materials are solvent-free. The industrial adhesives from Dymax are designed for bonding a wide range of substrates, sometimes even those that are difficult to bond, such as plastics, glass, metals, etc. Furthermore, Dymax also develops and sells the LED and UV light-curing equipment appropriate for this, which guarantees the fast curing of light-curing adhesives, films and UV printing inks using medium to high-intensity LED, UV or visible light.