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"2 BD SFAX ZI AIN SEBAA 20000 Casablanca"
FINETTI is a Moroccan company of confectionery industry, in a short time and since 2010 FINETTI could gain a big part of the market and became a very competitive company in this industry. We are producing several types of candies and chocolates with authentic flavors (hard and soft candies, Pops, bubble gums, chocolate, and spread chocolate) Till now we are exporting our products to Africa and Middle East Innovation is our key of success and helped our company to extend her projects in Morocco by opening new production unites, so we will be able to achieve Our future project which is to export our products to Europe, USA and Canada. We are getting our certificate ISO 9001 and 22000 to respond to the international norms in term of quality and security of food, also a casher certificate is programmed to extend our circle of customers all over the world.