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"Andropov Avenue, 22 Business Center Nagatinsky 115533 Moscow"
TelePat (Telemedicine for Patients) was created on March 13, 2017 to develop telemedicine services in the «patient-doctor» segment. Our team has many years of experience in creating software for remote patient monitoring.
TelePat already has 6 Certificates of State Registration of Computer Programs for Developed New Cloud Services; won 4 state competitions; recognized as the winner in 2 competitions organized by the Moscow Innovation Agency; received gold prizes in competitions held by the ARMIT Association in the international forums “Medsoft”.
TelePat LLC products were included in the List of innovative, high-tech products and technologies.
Our cloud platforms are:
- Medsenger, a remote counseling service for patients by their doctors
- Medsenger.AI , a platform for connecting artificial intelligence tools to remote consultations of patients by their doctors, an extension of the functionality of the platform Medsenger
- ONCONET, telemedical remote monitoring platform for oncological patients after conservative treatment and antitumor therapy
- Transplantnet, patient support service and monitoring after organ transplantation and OncoRehab, a system for the remote rehabilitation of cancer patients.
TelePat was awarded the Patient Recognition Award "Let's Live" and the Diploma from the Association of Cancer Patients for the victory in the "Leader of Telemedicine Technologies" nomination: presented in the Kremlin in 2019 and 2020 for the ONCONET and OncoRehab services