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ACT Aerosol Chemie Technik GmbH focuses on the production and bottling of chemical technical products in the automotive sector. From products such as the classic brake cleaner and vehicle care products, through to highly complex fuel and oil additives, our product range covers all requirements from the automotive and accessories...
AUTEX Autoteile Export GmbH in its current form is a product of the merger in 2006 of the two companies Klotz Industrie- & Autoteile GmbH and AUTEX Autoteile Export GmbH. Klotz GmbH, founded in 1954, has developed over the years into a successful FAG dealer in the Rhineland. Its considerable...
BEITO AUTO, company based in Charleroi, Belgium has been specialised in the distribution of products for the automotive industry for more than 20 years. Our wide product range includes tires, lubricants and batteries as well as accessories for both automobiles and motorcycles. We established an international presence over the years...
The company HIRSCHI AG, is a Manufacturer/ Producer, founded in 1971, which operates in the Vehicles - accessories and equipment industry. It is based in Biel, Switzerland.
The company PIÈCES ENGINS TP, is a Manufacturer/ Producer, founded in 2019, which operates in the Vehicles - accessories and equipment industry. It also operates in the Construction machinery, accessories and spare parts, Rubber caterpillar tracks, and girdles industries. It is based in Mitry-Mory, France.